Project supervisor, Associate Professor Sandra Tinaj, will collaborate with a master's student from the University of Donja Gorica on the development of the master's thesis "Resistance to Innovation."

Associate Professor Sandra Tinaj has accepted to mentor the master's thesis for the Postgraduate Studies in Entrepreneurial Economics.

The master's thesis aims to explore the possible relationship between the years of employment and the emergence of resistance to innovation within various organizational structures, in order to verify the existence of a common thread. This work will focus on employees with work experience of more than 10 years. Furthermore, this thesis will clarify the interaction of identified factors that influence the emergence of resistance, and finally, propose possible strategies for preventing and mitigating the feeling of resistance to innovations, such as promoting a more innovative organizational environment.

The thesis will provide a significant contribution to both the economy and the academic community. Additionally, the student will, through the activities and work packages of this project, have access to relevant literature in the mentioned field.

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