Under the authorship of Prof. Dr. Đuro Kutlača, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sandra Tinaj, and Dr. Bojana Mališić, the study National Innovation Capacity of Montenegro: 11 Years Later, has been successfully published.
The book is the result of research conducted within the EmpowerHR4Inno project, whose primary aim was a detailed analysis of the state of innovation, as well as the broader context of the human factor as a key element influencing innovative processes. The project's focus was not only on identifying existing challenges but also on understanding the barriers that hinder the development of innovation, emphasizing the need to enhance the synergy between innovation and human resources.
This work introduces the concept of national innovation capacity, making a significant contribution both theoretically and practically. This concept provides a framework for analyzing national innovation systems by quantifying and monitoring the factors that influence the development of a knowledge-based economy. The introduced metrics enable tracking changes in innovation capacities over time, which is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of innovation policies at the national level.
Special emphasis in the book is placed on the role of the state as a key actor in the innovation development process. Instead of the traditional role of an arbitrator or directive authority, the state, through relevant ministries, assumes the role of a coordinator and partner, enabling more effective support for innovation processes under market conditions. This synergistic interaction between the private sector, public sector, and academic institutions is seen as the foundation for transforming into an innovative society.
You can find the study, following this link.