The project team EmpowerHR4Inno is conducting research on the achieved outcomes in the field of innovative activities of business entities from 2020 to 2023.
Business innovation activities encompass all developmental, financial, and commercial activities undertaken by a company with the aim of innovative business activity. Innovation activities can result in innovation, be ongoing, postponed, or abandoned. Business innovation activities include [OECD, 2018]: research and experimental development (R&D) activities, engineering, design, and other creative activities, marketing and brand value activities, activities related to intellectual property (IP); employee training activities; software development and database activities; procurement or leasing of tangible goods and innovation management activities.
The questionnaire is intended for the director/owner/manager/head of the organizational unit for development, given that the majority of questions relate to the business policy of the business entity.
You can fill out the questionnaire by following the link provided - INOVATIVNE AKTIVNOSTI POSLOVNIH SUBJEKATA OD 2020. DO 2023. GODINE (