Thunderbird school - UDG&ASU

Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University is ranked No. 1 in the world for international trade by QS International Trade Rankings 2023, ahead of Cambridge, Harvard, and Stanford. As part of Arizona State University, ranked No. 1 for innovation in the U.S., Thunderbird launched the Francis and Dionne Najafi 100 Million Learners Global Initiative. It is the boldest and most ambitious global education initiative in higher education history, and will now be available in Montenegro at no cost to the learner.

University of Donja Gorica, through its partnership with Thunderbird at ASU, collaborates in promoting this program in order to increase access to high-quality education worldwide as well as to encourage an overall contribution to society. Through the opening of these new programs for online education, a wide range of opportunities are provided for all those who want to pursue lifelong learning, both in Montenegro and in the region.

Through the Najafi 100 Million Learners Global Initiative, Thunderbird offers three global entrepreneurship and innovation certificates digitally in 40 different languages to learners across the world. Women and young women will account for 70% of the 100 million learners the program will reach worldwide. The certificate will be covered by full scholarships and, thus, no cost to learners because of the philanthropic support undergirding the initiative.

The Global Initiative consists of three pathways that learners can choose from depending on their level of education:

  • Foundational Program – Content for learners with any level of education. It consists of 19 modules covering global entrepreneurship, digital, innovation skills, strategic planning, financial analysis and management, marketing, human resources, ethics, funding and access to capital, scaling for growth, and more. 
  • Intermediate Program – Content at the high school or undergraduate education level. Courses include management, accounting, marketing, big data, and entrepreneurship.
  • Advanced Program – Content at the graduate education level. Courses include leadership, entrepreneurship and sustainable business, data analytics, digital marketing, and global accounting.

Learners can take any or all of these programs. Courses are self-paced, and there are no prerequisites. At the completion of each program, learners may obtain a certificate in entrepreneurship and innovation. 

All interested students, adults as well as the general public can learn more about these programs by visiting the official website at

For more details on how to register, watch the 100 Million Learners sign-up video tutorial.  

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