Specifične inovacije i tehnološka rješenja - osnaživanje apsorpcionog kapaciteta kroz umrežavanje akademske, istraživačke zajednice i kompanija u cilju unaprijeđenja apsorpcionog kapaciteta.

Application of the River Habitat Survey Method in the Assessment of the Human Pressure Within the Lowland River Catchment: The Mollusc Biodiversity Versus Habitat Features
The objectives of our study were to analyse the degree of human pressure within the lowland river catchment in relation to the mollusc communities and to assess the usefulness of the River Habitat Survey as a field method in determining the human pressure in the mollusc biodiversity context. The River Habitat Survey (RHS), an essential method for hydromorphological studies of rivers under the requirements of the European Union Water Framework Directive, was applied. This study showed that the diversity...
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Antimicrobial Activities of Essential Oils of Different Pinus Species from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Background/Objectives: The emergence of antimicrobial resistance has urged researchers to explore new antimicrobial agents, such as essential oils (EOs). The aim of this study was to examine chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the EOs from the needles and green cones of four Pinus species (Pinus mugo Turra., P. nigra J.F., P. syilvestris L., and P. halepensis Miller) from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods: Chemical profiles of EOs were assessed by gas chromatography, while microdilution...
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Progress Achieved, Landmarks, and Future Concerns in Biomedical and Health Informatics
Background: The biomedical and health informatics (BMHI) fields have been advancing rapidly, a trend particularly emphasised during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, introducing innovations in BMHI. Over nearly 50 years since its establishment as a scientific discipline, BMHI has encountered several challenges, such as mishaps, delays, failures, and moments of enthusiastic expectations and notable successes. This paper focuses on reviewing the progress made in the BMHI discipline, evaluating key milestones,...
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Projektni tim EmpowerHR4Inno objavio rad u jednom od najprestižnijih časopisa,...
Istraživački tim doc. dr Sandra Tinaj, dr Bojana Mališić, mr Lidija Lukovac, mr Jovana Popović i doc. dr Božidar Vlačić sa Catolica Univerziteta iz Portugala, objavili su naučni rad kao jedan od rezultata ovog projekta.
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EmpowerHR4Inno: Inovacije, povezivanje i razvoj tržišta rada predstavljeni...
Članice užeg projektnog tima predstavile su projekat EmpowerHR4Inno u jutarnjem programu „Dobro jutro, Crna Goro“ na Radio-televiziji Crne Gore, još jednom skrećući pažnju javnosti na značaj ovog inovativnog projekta.
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Vodič za agilno djelovanje - Agilni menadžment kao model upravljanja ljudskim...
Tim EmpowerHr4Inno koji vodi projektna koordinatorka, doc. dr Sandra Tinaj u saradnji sa ekspertima iz prakse, mr Martinom Ivanović i Milošem Radenovićem iz NLB banke, je uspješno realizovao primjenu HRM modela i pripremio Vodič za agilno djelovanje.
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