The Open Science model assists businesses to meet innovative minds, absorb new technologies, and explore future possibilities in an ever-changing world.
The EmpowerHr4Inno team, led by project coordinator Dr. Sandra Tinaj in collaboration with field experts, MSc Martina Ivanović and Miloš Radenović from NLB Bank, successfully implemented the HRM model and prepared a Guide to Agile Action.
The final conference of the EmpowerHR4Inno project, held on December 19, 2024, at the University of Donja Gorica, captured the attention of the media and the professional community.
Under the authorship of Prof. Dr. Đuro Kutlača, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sandra Tinaj, and Dr. Bojana Mališić, the study National Innovation Capacity of Montenegro: 11 Years Later, has been successfully published.
As one of the key events marking the conclusion of the EmpowerHR4Inno project, the final conference, "Entrepreneurial Nest," will take place on Thursday, December 19th, at the University of Donja Gorica.
Representative of the project team, PhD Bojana Malisic also held a meeting with representatives of the IT sector and healthcare institutions in Montenegro