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  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
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AIP Publishing
Chimeras and traveling waves in ensembles of Kuramoto oscillators off the Poisson manifold
We examine how perturbations off the Poisson manifold affect chimeras and traveling waves (TWs) in Kuramoto models with two sub-populations. Our numerical study is based on simulations on invariant manifolds, which contain von Mises probability distributions. Our study demonstrates that chimeras and TWs off the Poisson manifold always “breathe”, and the effect of breathing is more pronounced further from the Poisson manifold. On the other side, TWs arising in similar models on the sphere always...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Aladin Crnkić , Vladimir Jaćimović
Acarological Studies, DergiPark
Contributions to the knowledge of the water mite fauna (Acariformes, Hydrachnidia) of Türkiye with descriptions of two new species
In this study, water mites have been collected from running waters and springs in Elazığ province (Eastern Türkiye). Totally, twenty species are identified. The families, Hydrovolziidae and Feltriidae are newly recorded from Elazığ province. Atractides (Atractides) ermani sp. nov. and A. (Atractides) elazigensis sp. nov. are described as new to science. Additionally, the recent list of known number of species of water mite in Türkiye by provinces is given based on published data with an overall...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Yunus ESEN , Vladimir Pešić
Interleukins: Pathogenesis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Inflammatory cytokines have been implicated as crucial contributors to the onset and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The exact mechanisms by which interleukins (ILs) contribute to NAFLD may vary, and ongoing research is aimed at understanding the specific roles of different ILs in the pathogenesis of this condition. In addition, variations in environmental factors and genetics in each individual can influence the onset and/or progression of NAFLD. The lack of clinical studies...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Filiz Mercantepe , Sana Rafaqat , Sanja Gluscevic , Saira Rafaqat , Aleksandra Klisic
Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
Time trends in liver cancer mortality rates in Montenegro from 1990 to 2018
Objective Liver cancer is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Hepatitis B and C infections are the main factors affecting mortality. During recent years, Montenegro conducted activities on eradication of viral hepatitis according to the global strategy for the primary prevention of liver cancer mortality. The objective of this study was to assess the liver cancer mortality trend in Montenegro for the period of 1990–2018 using regression techniques....
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Marina Jaksic , Danijela Stojanović , Mirjana Nedović Vuković , Brigita Smolović
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