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American Society for Microbiology
Complete genome of Microbacterium plantarum CoE-159-22, isolated from traditionally produced Montenegrin cheese
ABSTRACT Microbacterium plantarum ( M. plantarum ) was recently described as a new species isolated from copper globemallow ( Sphaeralcea angustifolia ). Here, we report the complete genome of M. plantarum CoE-159-22, which was obtained from traditionally produced Montenegrin cheese.
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Nadja Raicevic , Aleksandra Martinovic , Johann Ladstätter , Anna Stöger , Tobias Mösenbacher , Patrick Hyden , Adriana Cabal , Beatriz Daza Prieto , Robert L. Mach , Werner Ruppitsch
The Influence of Friction and Twisting Angle on the Tensile Strength of Polypropylene Baling Twine
Polypropylene is a widely used linear hydrocarbon polymer with diverse applications due to its exceptional physicochemical characteristics and minimal changes during the recycling process. Numerous studies have focused on factors influencing the mechanical properties of polypropylene and its application in composites. However, despite their significance in the agricultural industry, there is limited research on polypropylene baling twines. This study analyses the behaviour of polypropylene baling...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Jasmina Miljojkovic , Milan Djordjevic , Vladimir Kocovic , Dragomir Miljanic , Suzana Petrovic Savic , Sonja Kostic , Djordje Vukelic
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