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  • Biblioteka kurseva sa objavljenim podsadržajem VoS-a, rezultatima, drugim rešenjima i digitalnim alatima i HR modelima;
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The EU Interreg Project “ADRINET”: Assessment of Well-Known and Emerging Pollutants in Seafood and Their Potential Effects for Food Safety
Anthropogenic activities lead to the spread of chemicals and biological materials, including plastic waste, toxic metals, and pharmaceuticals, of which the impact on the Mediterranean Sea is of high concern. In this context, the EU Interreg Italy-Albania-Montenegro Project “ADRINET (Adriatic Network for Marine Ecosystem) _244” (2018–2020) arises. It aims to carry out biomonitoring campaigns in the main commercial interest of fish and cephalopod species, such as Sparus aurata, Dicentrarchus labrax,...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Aleksandra Huter , Annamaria Pandiscia , Alessio Manfredi , Fatmira Shehu , Maria Nobile , Sara Panseri , Giuseppina M. Tantillo , Valentina Terio , Patrizio Lorusso , Elisabetta Bonerba
An Index for Snowmelt-Induced Landslide Prediction for Zavoj Lake, Serbia
In February 1963, a huge landslide (ca. 1,950,000 m3) blocked the Visočica River and, thus, formed Zavoj Lake. The primary objective of this research was to investigate the importance of snowmelt in relation to landslide occurrence and to define the critical climatic conditions that may trigger massive winter landslides. We used monthly precipitation and average monthly maximum temperature data from meteorological and precipitation stations in the Visočica River basin (Dojkinci) and in the immediate...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Manfred Mudelsee , Milica G. Radaković , Randall J. Schaetzl , Rastko Marković , Aleksandar Antić , Velibor Spalevic , Miloš Marjanović , Jugoslav Nikolić , Biljana Basarin , Slobodan B. Marković , Aleksandar R. Radivojević , Tin Lukić ... Pogledajte sve
Prevalence and Clinical Management of Adrenal Tumour-Related Hyperandrogenism: A Narrative Review
Hyperandrogenism is a condition in which the levels of androgen hormones in the blood are significantly increased and could be of an adrenal or ovarian origin. The adrenal androgens, normally secreted by the zona reticularis, are steroid hormones with weak androgen activity. The causes of hyperandrogenism are diverse and could be endogenous and exogenous. Androgen excess affecting different tissues and organs results in clinical features such as acne, hirsutism, virilization, and reproductive dysfunction...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Alfredo Pontecorvi , Ljubica Batkoska , Emanuela Traini , Domenico Milardi , Carmine Bruno , Sanja Medenica , Dusan Zivanovic
Sustainable Earthquake Preparedness: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Analysis in Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia
Authorities and governmental bodies strongly emphasize the importance of residents preparing for natural disasters, particularly underscoring the significance of readiness for geophysical hazards like earthquakes. In this study, which represents comparative quantitative research, the levels and predictors of the impact on preparedness for earthquake-induced disasters in South-Eastern European countries such as Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia are examined. Using the snowball sampling technique...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Goran Grozdanić , Vladimir M. Cvetković , Aleksandar Ivanov , Tin Lukić
Analyzing the Associations between Facets of Physical Literacy, Physical Fitness, and Physical Activity Levels: Gender- and Age-Specific Cross-Sectional Study in Preadolescent Children
Physical literacy (PL) is theorized to be an important determinant of physical fitness (PF) and physical activity levels (PALs), but studies have rarely examined possible correlations between PL, PF, and PAL in preadolescent children. This study aimed to evaluate age-specific and gender-specific correlations between the affective and cognitive domains of PL (PLAC), PF, and PAL in preadolescents. Additionally, the test–retest reliability of the applied PF tests was examined. The participants were...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Marko Manojlovic , Barbara Gilic , Petra Rajkovic Vuletic , Marijana Geets Kesic , Kemal Idrizovic , Vladimir Pavlinovic , Mirela Sunda , Natasa Zenic , Damir Sekulic
Architectural Perspectives on Wood Reuse within Circular Construction: A South–Central European Study
This study explores the perspectives and practices of architects regarding the reuse of wood in construction across five South–Central European countries: Slovenia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), and Montenegro. Based on a survey of architectural professionals, this research explores their attitudes, challenges, and motivations for using reclaimed wood, with a focus on circular construction principles. Key findings reveal unanimous agreement among respondents that both their...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Petra Grošelj , Manja Kitek Kuzman , Irena Rajković , Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik , Saja Kosanović , Nevena Novaković , Marija Miloshevska Janakieska
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Potential Invasiveness of Devil Firefish Pterois miles (Bennett 1828) in the Eastern Adriatic Sea
Abstract Devil firefish Pterois miles is an invasive alien species which has severely impacted biodiversity and ecological processes in invaded areas of the Mediterranean. In recent years, its presence has been documented in several countries of the Adriatic Sea. Based on the negative ecological and socio-economic impacts in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea, the potential invasiveness of devil firefish was analyzed for the coastal areas of the three eastern Adriatic countries...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Rigers Bakiu , Ilija Ćetković , Alen Soldo
Research Square Platform LLC
Esports Physical Exercise/Performance Matrix 1.0 Country Factsheets: A Protocol for National, Regional and Global Annual Assessment
Abstract This protocol was developed to allow evaluators to collect up-to-date data and produce a comprehensive annual assessment through several specific indicators and ensure the outcomes that include the most relevant evidence about physical activity/exercise for esports players from each country and recognition of particular barriers for physical activity/exercise. For this reason, this manuscript aims to create a methodology that will provide a better basis for establishing a standardized...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Stevo Popovic , Te Bu , Radenko Matic , AGUDAMU AGUDAMU , Bo Long
Chemometrics as a tool for monitoring corrosion degradation of the selected alloys in real conditions
AbstractMonitoring of the corrosion process of alloys in real conditions often results in extensive data, which is characterized by complex interdependence, but by a large degree of mutual deviation. First of all, the large dispersion of the obtained results makes it very difficult to draw accurate conclusions about the real influence of the tested parameters on the corrosion behavior of alloys. On the other hand, in many cases, the high interdependence between the corrosion factors can also greatly...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Suzana Apostolov , Špiro Ivošević , Rebeka Rudolf , Gyöngyi Vastag
Termedia Sp. z.o.o.
Interleukins: pathophysiological role in acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common inflammatory state characterized by a clinical course that can lead to serious local and extrapancreatic organ malfunction and failure. Interleukins (ILs) are biologically active glycoproteins primarily produced by macrophages and lymphocytes. According to the literature, there are many ILs. However, this article represents a summary of the role of ILs in AP, such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-9, IL-10, IL-11, IL-12, IL-13, IL-14, IL-15,...
Preuzmite dokument 2024 Saima Sharif , Saira Rafaqat , Amir Hossein Behnoush , Aleksandra Klisic , Dimitrios Patoulias
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